Crypto Portfolio Management

Manage. Diversify. Optimize.

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Crypto Portfolio Management


Get a clear and concise overview of your investment performance over time. Invest, sell, update your portfolio... Manage everything from a single intuitive interface. No trading experience required.


Pick any of 100+ crypto assets and build the portfolio of your dreams. Adept of passive investment strategies ? Leverage our crypto indexes to invest in the broad crypto market and reduce your risk.


Improve your returns by keeping your portfolios aligned with their initial asset allocation. Available at the click of a button thanks to our automatic rebalancing algorithm.

How to get started

From zero to hero in 3 minutes

Connect to Exchange

Enter API keys from your preferred exchange *.

* only for the moment

Create Portfolio

Select one of our crypto indexes or build your own, from a list of 100+ crypto assets.

Profit !

Enable automatic rebalancing and put your investment on autopilot.

Single Pane of Glass

Ditch your exchange trading interface

Monitor your investment performance. Buy. Sell. Update your portfolios asset allocations. Do everything through a slick interface. We take care of all transactions for you.

Single Pane of Glass

Monjo Indexes

Invest in the broad crypto market

Don't feel like trying to pick the future crypto rising star ? Adopt a passive investment stategy and create a portfolio based on one of our crypto indexes. Whether you want a conservative or an aggressive portfolio, we have what you want.

Monjo Indexes

Custom Portfolio Builder

Build your own

Fancy a more active investment strategy ? Choose from more than 100 crypto assets and tune each asset allocation. Build the portfolio of your dreams !

Custom Portfolio Builder

Automatic Rebalancing

Improve your returns... doing nothing

Our automatic rebalancing algorithm keep a portfolio aligned with its initial asset allocation by selling overperforming assets and buying underperforming ones. Enabled by default on our crypto indexes.

Automatic Rebalancing

Secure & Compliant

Your security is our priority

All sensitive data is encrypted both at rest and in transit, using state-of-the-art protocols for encryption and secure communications. We apply strict security procedures internally in compliance with best practices.


Fair. Based on average account value.

0 - $1000

Account Value



$1000 - $5000

Account Value

5€ /month


> $5000

Account Value

10€ /month


Any question ? Contact us !

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